They sound similar, fat-dissolving injections and weight loss injections, don’t they?
You might be surprised to know that they’re quite different. I’m going to tell you the difference between these two treatments, as well as who may be the ideal candidate for each, and some insider tips and information from one of our nurses, Jane.
Fat-Dissolving Injections
How Fat-Dissolving Injections Work
Fat-dissolving injections are… you guessed it… injections that deliver a drug to a targeted area to dissolve pockets of unwanted fat. At our Hertfordshire clinic, we use a brand called Deso, and the Deso fat-dissolving solution contains an active ingredient called Sodium Deoxycholate (SD), which is a synthetic form of a bile acid found naturally in our bodies. This natural bile is called Deoxycholate Acid, but let’s call this DA for ease.
The natural function of DA is to soften and emulsify the fat that we consume so that is able to be absorbed by the gut. Having been used for decades in several different medical specialisms, aesthetic medicine has developed it so that when the synthetic form of DA, SD, is introduced to targeted fatty pockets it works in the same way, emulsifying the fat. Once treated, the treated, emulsified fat is gradually and safely removed by your body through your waste system.
Who Can Have Fat-Dissolving Injections?
The ideal candidate should be within their healthy weight range and have a pocket(s) of fat that they’ve struggled to get rid of by themselves. They should also have a balanced and healthy approach to their diet.
Where Can Fat-Dissolving Injections Be Used?
Fat-dissolving injections can be used to treat stubborn pockets of fat on the:
- Double chin area.
- Stomach.
- Thighs.
- Knees.
- Saddlebag area.
- Flanks.
- Bra strap area at the top of the back.
- Upper arms.
Are Fat-Dissolving Injections Permanent?
Yes, Deso fat dissolving injections offer permanent removal of the treated fat cells. It’s important to note that non-surgical fat removal treatments, such as fat dissolving, offer a reduction of the fat meaning that it will not remove 100% of the fat cells in the treatment area. If you want total elimination of your fat cells, you should consider cosmetic surgery, such as liposuction.
As there will be some remaining fat cells left after your non-surgical fat-dissolving treatment, any that remain can still fill up and become bigger should you put on weight and/or don’t have a balanced approach to your diet.
How Do We Measure Your Results?
This treatment is about a centimetre or inch loss. We measure the results of your fat-dissolving injections by a loss on the tape measure and/or calliper. Our clients also feedback to us on how a certain item of clothing, such as a particular pair of jeans, fits them after their treatments.
Fat-Dissolving Injections: The Bottom Line
This treatment focuses on fat removal in a particular area that you’ve struggled to get rid of via traditional methods such as diet and exercise. You will not see any changes on your bathroom scales with this treatment as it is an inch-loss body-sculpting treatment. What you can expect after fat-dissolving injections is for the treated area to reduce in size and clients often report clothes feeling and fitting better in that area after their treatments.
Weight Loss Injections
How Weight Loss Injections Work
Weight loss injections do not directly cause the body to remove your fat cells, they work by reducing your appetite, and curbing your cravings which can often cause you to break your healthy eating streak (chocolate, I’m looking at you). This means that weight loss injections can help you to:
- Reduce your portion sizes.
- Develop positive eating habits.
- Release stored fat.
- And ultimately, lose weight.
At our medical weight loss clinic in Hertfordshire, we are partners with the National Medical Weight Loss Programme so alongside this weight loss treatment, we offer support and offer nutritional advice to help you reach your goals; clients often comment that they find their review sessions with us helps them to be more accountable and stay on track. During review sessions we monitor aspects such as fat around your organs (visceral body fat) and, of course, your weight.
Before you say ‘gosh, those review sessions sound awful’ let me say, we are not here to judge you, these sessions are to give you extra support and guidance and to adjust your medication if necessary. In fact, our Nurse Jane went on the National Medical Weight Loss Programme, and she lost 3 stone (and has maintained it), so we know the personal journey. We are here to work with you to reach your weight loss goals.
Do Weight Loss Injections Work?
Yes, they do work. The best way to think of weight loss injections is a TOOL to help you lose weight; they are not going to directly cause the weight loss for you so if, for example, you have the weight loss injection and it reduces your appetite but, out of boredom (not hunger), you sit and eat a family size bag of crisps or you eat the kids leftovers on top of your meal every night out of habit, then you might struggle to get your results.
You should make some lifestyle changes to make the most of this treatment.
Who Can Have Weight Loss Injections?
Weight loss injections are for those who have a BMI of 30 and over who have struggled to lose weight via conventional methods.
How Do We Measure Your Results?
We measure the results of your weight loss injections and weight loss efforts by weighing you and/or a body mass analysis at each review visit.
Are Weight Loss Injections Safe?
The weight loss injections prescribed as part of the National Medical Weight Loss Programme are safe, but all medications come with potential side effects which you must weigh up against the potential health benefits of losing weight and decide if the treatment is right for you. The short-term side effects include constipation, diarrhoea, the feeling of nausea, indigestion, abdominal discomfort, and headache.
Weight Loss Injections: The Bottom Line
Weight loss injections can be a very effective tool to assist you in losing weight. The weight loss injections will not target areas of your body to lose it from, it will be a generalised weight loss and be shown on your scales. Importantly, there can be health benefits resulting from weight loss such as reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
Medical weight loss injections should be prescribed and monitored by medical professionals only. Nurse Jane adds:
“A consultation is key if you’re interested in either of these types of treatment. A trained medical practitioner will be able to tell you which treatment you may benefit from to achieve your goals. You may even be suitable for a combination of treatments to achieve your ultimate outcome. My advice is to do some research on the weight loss or fat loss treatments the clinic offers prior to your consultation and write down any questions that spring to mind so that you can ask your practitioner, this should help you make the most of your time with them and leave you with a clear understanding of the treatments.”
So, there you have it, fat dissolving injections 101. If you’d like to learn even more about Desoface and Desobody fat-dissolving injections, you can do so by clicking the links. Alternatively, if you’d like to explore some alternative non-surgical fat removal treatments, here are additional options that we offer at our clinic: Emsculpt Neo, Liposonix, and Cristal.
If you are looking to discuss non-surgical fat reduction treatments with experienced practitioners who are qualified, well-trained, and experienced in non-surgical fat removal treatments and can offer you a number of treatment options, don’t hesitate to book a no-obligation consultation at our Hertfordshire fat-removal clinic today.
What Are Fat Dissolving Injections, and Would You Benefit From Them?
+Deso, Aqualyx, fat dissolving jabs, fat dissolving injections; body contouring injections there are lots of terms that fly around the non-surgical fat removal arena. No matter what the particular term, there has been a rise in people talking about fat-dissolving injections and, indeed, all types of non-surgical fat reduction. As CQC registered clinic, with Save Face accredited medical practitioners who offer fat-dissolving injections at our Hertfordshire clinic, we thought WHO BETTER to give you the answers to some of the questions clients frequently ask about this treatment than… US.
‘Fat dissolving injections’ is a blanket term for a treatment that is offered by several brands; Desoface, Desobody, Aqualyx, and Belkyra are some well-known names in this arena. They are all fat-dissolving treatments. This is pretty similar to wrinkle-relaxing injections in the sense that it is an umbrella term for a procedure that treats wrinkles formed by muscle movement. Some of the brands of products that can be used for wrinkle-relaxing injections include Botox and Azzalure. The different brands all have slight differences in formulation but ultimately have the same goal.
At our Hertfordshire clinic we have chosen to offer our clients the Desoface and Desobody fat dissolve injections because it is the next generation and has specific formulas for the body and the ‘double chin’ area of the face. Throughout this article, we’ll be referring to the specifics related to the Deso brand, so please note that there may be some differences with other fat-dissolving brands.
Before we get to the questions, it’s important that you understand that fat-dissolving injections, or indeed any form of non-surgical fat removal is used to reduce the size of stubborn pockets of fat; results will be assessed on centimetres or inches lost rather than on the scale, which is how you’d assess weight loss. If you feel you would benefit more from weight loss which would be evident on the scales and would like some support and tools to do so, you may like to learn more about the National Medical Weight Loss Programme.
Housekeeping out of the way, please let me introduce our Independent Nurse Prescriber, Natalia, who has over 12 years medical experience and performs the Deso fat dissolving injection treatments at our clinic. Nurse Natalia has rounded up some of the most asked questions about the Deso treatment to share her answers with you.
What Are Deso Fat Dissolving Injections, and Can You Tell Me How They Work?
+Fat-dissolving injections work by destroying the fat cell membrane and allowing the fat cell contents to be removed from the body, resulting in a reduction of the size of stubborn pockets of fat.
Who Would Be a Good Candidate for These Fat Dissolving Injections?
+Anyone who has stubborn fat pockets resistant to conventional methods of fat reduction like diet, exercise, and lifestyle interventions may be a good candidate for fat-dissolving injections and ideally, this person is a healthy weight.
They should also have realistic expectations about what will be achieved with fat-dissolving injections, but I’ll go into the benefits and limitations in more detail in a moment.
How Is Desobody and Desoface Administered and What Can Patients Expect During This Treatment?
+The patient can feel minimal discomfort as these fat-dissolving injections utilise local anaesthetic. Deso is administered via needle or cannula depending on the area and amount of fat.
Patients often say they feel a bit of ‘heat perception’, so warmth in the area during the treatment, as well as some tingling.
Are Deso Fat Dissolving Injections Safe and Are There Any Potential Side Effects?
+Absolutely no treatment can be called 100% safe as there are always potential risks and side effects, but Deso is well researched and has a good safety profile, and with the right patient selection side effect risk is minimal. Side effects include temporary swelling, discomfort in the area, and bruising.
How Many Deso Fat-Dissolving Treatments Are Typically Needed and What Kind of Results Can Patients Expect to See?
+The number of treatment sessions varies depending on each individual case and the amount of fat requiring treatment. This would be assessed and discussed at the consultation so it should be clear before someone proceeds with treatment. However, in my experience, in most cases, it tends to be 1 to 4 sessions. A reduction in the pocket of fat that we treat should be noticeable after just 1 treatment.
How Do Deso Fat Dissolving Injections Compare to Other Non-surgical Fat Reduction Treatments Like Cristal Fat Freezing or Emsculpt Neo?
+Deso is like fat freezing in the sense that it only focuses on fat within tissue and won’t have any effect on skin or muscle. Emsculpt Neo on the other hand treats both the pockets of unwanted fat and tones the underlying muscles. All three of these non-surgical treatments offer permanent fat removal.
What Are the Benefits and Limitations of Deso Fat Dissolving Injections?
+Good question! The benefits of this form of body contouring are that it’s a quick treatment; clients can see some results even with one session; and the results are permanent. The limitation of this treatment is that, unlike liposuction or other surgical interventions, it aims to REDUCE the appearance of fatty pockets, not complete elimination of them.
What Should Patients Consider Before Deciding to Undergo Fat Dissolving Injections?
+They’ll need to plan the treatment so that they avoid direct sun exposure to the area for two weeks following the procedure. It’s also important for them to keep in mind the possibility of side effects such as swelling and bruising. The likelihood is that that area will temporarily swell as that is part of the process. The final thing I’d add is to make sure the person administering the treatment is a medical professional.
Disclaimer: This blog is not to be used for diagnostic purposes. We are all unique which means that our results, recovery and suitability for any type of treatment will vary. Always seek the advice of a professional should you have any health or cosmetic concerns or to discuss treatments specifically for you.