Chemical Peels For Melasma
We can combine the Obagi Nu-Derm treatment with the Mandelic acid chemical peel to further enhance your outcome. This chemical peel is one of the least irritating of all the peels because of its large molecular size. This means it's released into the skin slower than other chemical peels, therefore mandelic acid can even treat very sensitive skin, including super sensitive Rosacea skin types.
The gentle, yet powerful exfoliation mandelic offers enhances your skin's regeneration mechanism, in turn helping to break down and eventually help shed some of those darker skin tones with hyperpigmentation chemical peels. Mandelic acid also helps to reduce inflammation in the skin which is known to stimulate melanin production; one of the reasons we choose these treatments over lasers which can cause skin inflammation.
Best chemical peel for melasma: Mandelic acid peels are a non-irritating yet powerful treatment for melasma. It can be used as a stand-alone treatment but, ideally, it's used within a treatment plan for melasma as this condition often requires a multi-pronged approach.
What Are Sunspots?
Officially named solar lentigines, sun spots, unsurprisingly have everything to do with sun exposure. They're most often seen in areas that are typically exposed to the sun-face, hands, tops of feet, shoulders and decolletage are the usual suspects.
When our skin is exposed to the sun it produces extra melanin (pigment) in an attempt to protect itself; sometimes this excess melanin becomes clumped together and this is when age spots appear; you can get a single age spot, or you can get clusters of them.
Daily sun cream (see Melasma tip above) and sun avoidance are the ways to prevent age spots from worsening.
Tip: If a mark, that you think resembles a sunspot, appears on your skin we recommend getting it seen by a professional as occasionally skin cancer can present itself in a similar way.
Chemical Peels for Sun Spots
In our opinion, TCA peels (full name ‘Trichloroacetic') are the ideal chemical peel for hyperpigmentation that's the result of sun exposure; age spots, we're looking at you.
TCA peels can be high in strength which means there may be some recovery time required; this can be customised to your needs and will be discussed during a consultation at your skin clinic.
The strength of your TCA chemical peel determines how deep your peel will go into your skin. The stronger your peel the deeper it will go. This is great news if you have pigmentation on multiple layers of your skin because it means that you can treat deep and superficial pigmentation with different strength TCA peels.
How do we know how deep your hyperpigmentation is? At our Hertfordshire skin clinic, we use a Visia skin scanner to show us the different layers of your skin, enabling us to tell us where your pigmentation is sitting.
A TCA peel is also very effective at improving the health and quality of sun-damaged skin, improving wrinkles, thin skin, skin texture and dull skin tone.
Not sure if you have sun damage? If you have pigmentation from sun exposure, aka sun spots, expect that you have sun-damaged skin.
Chemical Peels for Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)
This form of hyperpigmentation is the result of inflammation in the skin, commonly spots and skin injuries such as a burn or cuts.
Sunlight can cause this type of hyperpigmentation to worsen so a daily SPF of 30 + is strongly advised in all skin types, especially darker skin types which are naturally more prone to this concern.
Tip: Get your products to multi-task. Think of your SPF as a daily moisturiser; you don't need to use an additional moisturiser when you're wearing an SPF cream because it does the same job of forming a barrier on your skin to prevent moisture from leaving it. Plus, you can get some amazing daily SPF creams that contain antioxidants and other active ingredients, helping you to further eliminate multiple steps in your skincare routine. We're all about skincare products that make life easier!
TCA Peels
One of the stronger peels available, TCA chemical peels can help remove the dark marks left after a spot or other forms of skin injury, known in dermatology as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. This chemical peel incites deep exfoliation of the skin, encouraging the damaged or dead skin cells to be removed and replaced with fresh, new skin cells.
If the PIH is in the deeper levels, stronger TCA chemical peels can help to break the pigmentation up and encourage those pigmented skin cells to migrate to the surface where they will eventually shed away.
Salicylic Acid Peels
Whilst PIH can occur in all skin types, darker skin types are more susceptible to this skin concern. Salicylic acid chemical peels are especially safe and effective for those with darker skin. The peel can encourage exfoliation of the skin, allowing the more superficial pigment to shed with the exfoliated skin.
Additionally, Salicylic acid is often used to help control oily skin and, importantly, it has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce the inflammation from the spots so that pigmentation is less probable. Therefore, it's well suited to those who suffer from PIH from acne-two birds, one stone.
Salicylic acid has natural anti-inflammatory properties meaning that the peel itself is less likely to cause inflammation of the skin, thus reducing the likelihood of the treatment itself causing PIH in those prone to it.
SA chemical peels are milder than most TCA treatments so it's likely that you would require more of these treatments in comparison, but in some skin types a slower, milder approach is required to help avoid side effects, including further PIH.
If you're considering a chemical peel, please contact our skin clinic to see how we can help you.