Let’s address the elephant in the room: female facial hair.
It’s something, I think, that’s not talked about enough (unless you work at The Skin to Love Clinic… we talk about facial hair A LOT). It’s likely that we’re embarrassed to admit that we’ve found facial hair but if we did talk about it more freely then we’d realise that it’s something that so many women are dealing with. In fact, I would happily take a bet that more than one woman you know has facial hair-be it a pesky chin hair they have to keep whipping out or their entire lower face-for the lack of a better female-sounding term, ‘beard’ area, that they’re shaving daily.
It is so very common. And we should know. Every day we treat ladies, young and otherwise, who have sought out facial hair removal at our Hertfordshire-based laser Clinic.
So, How Can You Remove Facial Hair?
You may know that there are lots and lots of options when it comes to hair removal; both at-home hair removal and professional hair removal- from depilatory cream to epilators and waxing… so possibly a better question for me to answer is:
Why Choose Laser Hair Removal Over Other Facial Hair Removal Options?
This is what we’re experts in and what our clients seek us out for, so what better than for us to tell you about how to take control of your facial hair with professional laser hair removal – including the experience of one of our ladies who has polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the symptoms of which include PCOS facial hair growth.
1. It’s Quick
Laser hair removal is quick in several ways. The sessions themselves are quick; it’s roughly a five-minute session for your upper lip hair removal.
Your treatment course can be much faster than other options, such as electrolysis, as you can treat the entire area in full at each session, which means speedier results- great news if you have a larger area of facial hair that you want to tackle.
2. It’s a Long-term Solution
In many, many cases those who have had laser hair treatment achieve results that last for years, even decades. There are some cases where you will require maintenance treatment-this is especially true if your hair growth is hormonally driven, such as in those with PCOS; this is true no matter what laser hair removal machine you are treated with.
Whilst we’re on the subject, here are some laser hair removal before and after photos from one of our clients who have PCOS.
3. Goodbye Ingrown Hairs
Facial hair removal can encourage ingrown hairs. This is because when you partly or temporarily remove hairs as you do with shaving or waxing your facial hair, for example, the follicle in which those hairs regrow can become blocked with skin cells and other debris. By the time the re-growing hair reaches the opening of its hair follicle the exit is blocked, although the hair will continue growing. This is what causes the painful, often pus-filled, bumps.
If you slow down and stop the hairs from actually growing, as you do with laser hair removal, the problem of ingrowing hairs becomes less frequent or prevented entirely.
We know from our own experiences and those of our clients, laser hair removal can be a game-changer. How do you think laser hair removal compares to other types of hair removal?
If you have any questions about facial hair or laser hair removal, please don’t hesitate to contact our friendly team here.
Disclaimer: This blog is not to be used for diagnostic purposes. We are all unique which means that our results, recovery and suitability for any type of treatment will vary. Always seek the advice of a professional should you have any health or cosmetic concerns or to discuss treatments specifically for you.