This was me in June 2020 with precisely no clue how my world was going to be turned upside down and zero idea what the heck was about to happen to my pelvic floor.
Hold my drink, it’s time for me to roll out the old “I had a 10lb baby’ story.
10lb 3oz actually.
So, once mega baby arrived, I quite quickly realised that I had rather limited control over where and when I went to the loo… Thankfully, this naturally improved but I would be in trouble if a sneeze took me unaware, and don’t get me started about the Clubbercise exercise class I went to; let’s just say, thank goodness it was dark in that room.
I did a year of post-baby Pilates, working on my pelvic floor, and things continued to improve but I still didn’t have anywhere near the control that I had prior. So, you can imagine my joy when we decided to introduce the Emsella treatment to the clinic. I think I was one of the first to complete the course!
As the Emsella chair is 100% non-invasive, I remained fully clothed during the treatment; to be completely honest, I don’t think I’d have been as ‘up for it’ if it was an invasive treatment.
You sit on a large chair for the 30-minute sessions-I had 6 which is the usual number of sessions in a course. When Emsella is turned on you start to feel a ‘tingly’ sensation around your nether regions which, as the practitioner turns the strength up, subsides and you start to feel a deep pulling sensation within your pelvis.
EMsella Chair
These sensations are caused by High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic energy. At first, I wasn’t too sure about the pulling sensation, it was something I had never felt before, but it didn’t take long for me to get used to it. I think it’s fair to say, I’d never be able to perform kegals as strong and precise as I was feeling during the treatment!
It really was as easy as that and to be honest, there’s not much more to say about the treatment other than you come in once or twice a week, sit on the Emsella chair whilst reading a magazine and then go.
My results? I did a video update for some of our clients who wanted to know about my experience when we launched the Emsella treatment at the clinic. Here’s what I’ve experienced during and since my course.
P.S. I recorded this nearly five months ago and since then I’ve taken Mega Baby to a trampoline park (what a test!) and, frankly, things have improved so much since having Emsella that I didn’t even think twice about going. And not a wet patch in sight.
Kerri x
You can learn more about the Emsella treatment here. If you’re looking for an Emsella chair near me in Hertfordshire then do contact us to discuss how this treatment may help you with both stress and urge urinary incontinence.
How Do I Get Rid Of Urinary Stress Incontinence?
+Now, the textbook answer to this question is quite literally, three suggestions, all of which you can do at home.
You can treat urinary incontinence by:
- Making lifestyle changes such as losing weight and cutting down on caffeine and alcohol.
- You can also do pelvic floor exercises, where you strengthen your pelvic floor muscles by squeezing them.
- Finally, bladder training, where you learn ways to wait longer between needing to urinate and passing urine.
If you have done any searching on the web, you would have come across all three of these, and if you are still searching, they probably aren’t the solution for you. Unless you have a magical pelvic floor, these 3 at-home remedies are not going to turn the needle for you.
Cue, an actual treatment option, the emsella chair. Emsella strengthens your pelvic floor muscles quickly and effectively. You do not need to remove any clothes during the treatment, and can even sit and read a magazine during your treatment time. This breakthrough treatment uses an advanced medical device that can tighten pelvic floor muscles and treat urinary incontinence.
What Is An Example Of Stress Incontinence?
+Urinary incontinence is the unintentional loss of urine. Stress incontinence happens when physical movement or activity — such as coughing, laughing, sneezing, running or heavy lifting — puts pressure (stress) on your bladder, causing you to leak urine.
How Long Does Urinary Incontinence Last After Childbirth?
+According to the latest research, “women who give birth vaginally are more likely to experience these complications afterwards. In some cases, issues of urinary incontinence can last up to a year, and smaller percentages of women are still living with symptoms after 5 years.”
Can Childbirth Cause Stress Incontinence?
+Short answer, yes. It is very common for a new mother to accidentally leak urine when she laughs, sneezes, coughs or exercises after giving birth. This is known as stress incontinence. You are more likely to develop stress incontinence after birth if you have had bladder or bowel problems pre-pregnancy – they are likely to get worse after birth.
Disclaimer: This blog is not to be used for diagnostic purposes. We are all unique which means that our results, recovery and suitability for any type of treatment will vary. Always seek the advice of a professional should you have any health or cosmetic concerns or to discuss treatments specifically for you.