People eat more during winter. Binge eating during the colder months is thought to be a deeply ingrained survival impulse from way-back-when we needed to store up our fat stores
should our food supply start to dwindle.
Winter also sees us fighting the effects of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder); the lack of sunlight during the UK winter can impact our serotonin levels, a brain chemical which is linked to wellbeing and happiness, which is generated by sunlight exposure. If you suffer from SAD, you may notice that you crave carbohydrates during the darker months, this is because carbs help your body use an amino acid, tryptophan, which can be transformed into serotonin and give you a boost of happiness. Be aware that alongside those carbs, you need to eat tryptophan-rich foods such as broccoli and seafood for this process to work. All this considered, you might be wondering how you’re going to stick to your post-Christmas healthy eating routine. You’re not alone! One option that may be right for you is the National Weight Loss Programme which helps to kerb your feelings of hunger so you can focus on eating healthily and losing any excess weight you’re wanting to shift. Our National Weight Loss Programme expert, nurse prescriber Natalia Ostrowska, answers a few frequently asked questions about the treatment.
What Is the NWLP?
A medicated approach to weight loss. We’re using a research-based approach to make dieting and weight loss easier.
Who Would Be Ideal to Go on the NWLP?
Those who struggle to lose excess weight. Those who previously tried other weight loss tactics such as kcal controlled diets or eating styles and exercise but still find it difficult to
lose weight. It’s primarily for those with a BMI of 30 or above but in some cases, those with a lower BMI can also benefit from medication.
Why Should I Go on the NWLP Over Other Diets in the Market?
The National Weight Loss Programme is proven to be more effective if other attempts to weight loss were not effective. We offer nutritional information and ongoing support by
medical practitioners. We have seen patients dropping weight off and they describe it as ‘transformational’!
How Long Should I Be On the Programme For?
If effective, you can stay in the programme indefinitely. Some prefer to gradually stop the treatment once they achieved a healthy weight.
What Common Side Effects Are There?
Most common side effects are nausea, constipation, diarrhoea, headache, indigestion and feeling tired. These normally resolve spontaneously.
How Much Does It Cost?
Initial consultation with a medical practitioner is £25; this is also price for follow up appointments. Then the medication for the first four weeks is £250.
How Will My Practitioner Help Me?
You will undergo a thorough assessment by a medical practitioner to make sure it is safe for you to commence the treatment. You will also be advised on important aspects that will
facilitate weight loss that can be maintained. We will also check your blood pressure and perform a body analysis.
How Long Will It Take to See Progress?
The effect of the treatment will be obvious from the day after you’ve started. Most patients will notice positive changes within the first week!
Can I Exercise Whilst on It?
YES! The National Weight Loss Programme should be used alongside a healthy diet and regular physical activity.
What Studies Back the National Weight Loss Programme Up?
There have been a number of clinical studies on the efficacy of the treatment, namely:
- Liraglutide Resulted in 36% Loss in Excess Body Weight – Medscape – May 22, 2012.
- Liraglutide for Type 2 diabetes and obesity: a 2015 update,
- Scott, L.J. Liraglutide: A Review of Its Use in the Management of Obesity. Drugs 75, 899–910 (2015).
- Ladenheim, Ellen E. “Liraglutide and obesity: a review of the data so far.” Drug design, development and therapy vol. 9 1867-75. 30 Mar. 2015, doi:10.2147/DDDT.S58459
I hope this guide answered many of your questions about the National Weight Loss Programme. If you want to learn more, please have a look here.
Disclaimer: This blog is not to be used for diagnostic purposes. We are all unique which means that our results, recovery and suitability for any type of treatment will vary. Always seek the advice of a professional should you have any health or cosmetic concerns or to discuss treatments specifically for you.