It’s that time of year again – summer is upon us and top tips for becoming beach body ready abound. Eyebrow tidy, haircut, exfoliate, manicure, pedicure the list is endless. But often missing from the holiday preparation inventory is how to tackle the tricky subject of sweat or deal with obstinate pockets of fat.
The tricky issue of sweat
Staying dry can be a real challenge as the temperatures rise. If you’ve tried every type of antiperspirant without success and you suffer from Axillary hyperhidrosis, the technical term for excessive underarm sweating, then help is at hand. Unfortunately, treatments are no longer available through the NHS but here at the Clinic, we can offer a solution that can help tame the condition. A pre-treatment consultation is followed by a quick 30-minute procedure by a medical professional to the underarms using botulinum toxin, the process which is relatively painless can leave you sweat free for up to 6 months.
Stubborn fat that refuses to budge
If after a springtime of exercise and you are close to your ideal weight but you are still finding stubborn pockets of fat that refuse to budge then Cristal ‘fat freezing’ maybe the answer. Designed as a one off treatment, Medical Cryolipolysis, that’s the technical term, can treat arms, love handles, abdomen, saddle bags, legs and knees. Fat freezing is not a weight loss treatment but designed to sculpt and remove tenacious pouches of fat to give you a more streamline, svelte-looking figure. The procedure, which takes an hour, can cause mild discomfort but you will be able to resume your normal activities the same day and positive outcomes can be seen in 4-10 weeks. Although the treatment is permanent, it can be repeated to boost results but it does not stop the remaining fat cells from becoming larger if you do not follow a healthy, balanced diet.
Alternatively, if you are close to your ideal shape but are keen to permanently reduce and sculpt unwanted fat on your abdomen, love handles or thighs then Liposonix maybe the treatment for you. This non-invasive procedure uses high-intensity focused ultrasound technology to get rid of targeted fat around the waistline. The treatment, which takes upwards of 20 minutes depending on the size of the area being dealt with, can cause mild to moderate discomfort and it’s recommended that patients wear loose comfortable clothing after their session. Designed as a one-off experience, further treatments can be undertaken to enhance the outcome and results can be seen between 4-12 weeks.
Refresh your skin for a younger, glowy look pre or post-holiday
Refreshing your skin for a younger, glowy look pre or post-holiday with a Glycolic Peel can have tremendous benefits. This superficial treatment which takes 30 minutes uses the exfoliating ingredient AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) which removes the top layer of dead skin cells. The process gives your skin a very deep clean and not only helps your make up sit better on your skin but products such as vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid will be absorbed more efficiently. It’s very good as a one-off treatment but regular use will see collagen stimulation which improves skin texture, fades some pigmented spots and uneven tones and the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.
If you want your skin refreshed from the inside out and extend the younger look of your skin or even reverse the early signs of ageing then a few sessions of Clear + Brilliant are a must. Suitable for the face, neck and décolletage the treatment which takes approximately half an hour stimulates collagen and refines pores. Skin will look brighter, feel softer and have a more even tone a few days after the first treatment.
To find out more about the treatments, costs or to book an appointment with one of our specialists please contact The Skin to Love Clinic in St Albans.
Disclaimer: This blog is not to be used for diagnostic purposes. We are all unique which means that our results, recovery and suitability for any type of treatment will vary. Always seek the advice of a professional should you have any health or cosmetic concerns or to discuss treatments specifically for you.