Broken veins on face, redness, itching, burning sensations, pustules, sensitivity, dryness, swelling, red bumps. These are all symptoms of rosacea and, reading back over them, you can understand why those of us dealing with this seek rosacea treatments.
As a sufferer of rosacea, you know that the symptoms of rosacea are not only uncomfortable but can really knock your confidence. There are many things you can do to improve this though.
Sadly, when people ask us how to get rid of rosacea, we must inform them that there is currently no cure for this skin issue, however, there are rosacea treatments that are clinically proven to improve and manage the symptoms. Many are also comforted to know that a few of our team have rosacea and they can clearly see how well their symptoms are managed, to the point that you would never know.
Let’s go through what we can do to help your rosacea and I’ll also give you some advice on what you can do yourself, which is just as important.
What You Can Do Every Day…
Rosacea has some well know triggers. You may already know what triggers a rosacea flare for you, but if not, here are a list of things that commonly trigger rosacea, this is not exhaustive: UV rays; stress; alcohol; spicy foods; menopause; hot drinks; extreme heat or cold; and strenuous exercise.
If you’re not totally sure what your triggers are, a great idea is to keep a basic diary recording what you’ve eaten and drunk, stress levels, activity, and when/if you have a flare. This way you can start to identify what factors may be triggers for you.
This is KEY.
Yes, you can have treatments which can greatly improve your skin, but you should start by treating it each day with products that target your symptoms and get your skin into a better, healthier place. Skincare products will also help you to maintain results from rosacea treatments.
If you are nervous about choosing the right skin care products or just don’t know where to start, that is normal; if this is not your field of expertise, why would you know how to put a rosacea product regime together?!
There are over-the-counter products that you can get from places like Boots; Avène is a particularly good brand which is made for sensitive and reactive skin, and they have an anti-redness range.
Good advice would be to do research before going into a shop such as this as it can be quite overwhelming with all the different ranges in front of you and usually the staff aren’t thoroughly trained in the products sold on the shop floor, so may not be able to help. This is obviously also true for online shopping.
If you would like some professional guidance, some skin clinics like ours treat rosacea and can assess your skin and discuss skin care and skin treatments; a plan is usually put together for you and you’ll be able to ask any questions about products or skin treatments that you may have.
The products from a medically-led skin clinic should be more protenant than those that you can buy over the counter, without them necessarily being a prescription. For example, one of the brands of skin care we offer is SkinMed which is only sold to medically led clinics and is not available over the counter. In our case, we would frequently review you to see what changes are taking place once you’re on your product regime and give you further guidance.
I think it’s good to remember that skin care products will have a ceiling of what they can achieve; this is sometimes good enough for some people, but there are also those who would really benefit from rosacea treatment for more powerful, quicker results. There are also concerns such as facial broken veins which can’t be removed by using a skincare product. Nevertheless, skin care is important daily to help protect your skin from external triggers and help to manage your rosacea symptoms.
Let’s explore some of the rosacea treatments available:
Rosacea Treatment: UK Options
1. Regenlite
The Regenlite treatment is a non-ablative laser, backed with extensive research and little to no recovery time; this makes Regenlite a convenient rosacea treatment.
The light from the Regenlite can target individual blood vessels. The Regenlite laser does not target pigmentation so all skin types can have this skin treatment, which is ideal as rosacea affects all skin types, although most commonly those with fair skin.
Additionally, in a different mode, the Regenlite laser stimulates a reaction called ‘bio stimulation’ which helps to reduce inflammation in the skin; ideal if you have acne rosacea.
2. Byonik
This is an incredibly good skin-redness treatment. Byonik also reduces inflammation associated with rosacea. Additionally, Byonik helps skin healing and helps to repair the skin barrier which is so often compromised when we have rosacea.
An additional bonus is that it has a powerful anti-ageing effect on the skin.
Byonik is a cold laser which means there’s no damage to the skin and no recovery time required after the treatment.
3. Veinwave
The Veinwave treatment offers instant results and is designed to remove broken veins on the face, which is super common in those of us with rosacea.
Veinwave uses heat to precisely target the broken vein and quickly shut it down, removing the vein from sight.
4. Chemical peel
The idea of anything ‘chemical’ or ‘acid’ near your sensitive rosacea skin sounds terrifying, doesn’t it!? Well, rest assured the ‘chemical’ part of a chemical peel and the ‘acid’ in an acid peel are talking about the same thing, and both a chemical peel and an acid peel are the same thing.
The ‘chemical’ is a solution containing an alpha-hydroxy-acid or a beta-hydroxy-acid, commonly called AHA or BHA. Most chemical peels have an exfoliating effect on the skin, which can be very light and superficial through to strong exfoliation. They work by dissolving the ‘glue’ that holds the dead skin cells, allowing them to shed.
When it comes to chemical peels for rosacea, we use Mandelic Acid. This AHA is safe and beneficial for rosacea because it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and suppresses redness. MA is slowly absorbed in comparison to other AHAs, such as Glycolic, which means it doesn’t trigger redness or irritation.
Additionally, because we use the EnerPeel range of chemical peels we can get the ingredients into the skin, rather than just sitting on top of the surface; this means we can get mandelic molecules into the skin to help dilated blood vessels and redness as, at this level, mandelic is a vasoconstrictor.
Do some of these at-home and in-clinic treatments and tips sound interesting to you? If so, and you’d like some professional guidance and learn more about rosacea treatment UK that is appropriate specifically for you, arrange a consultation at our Hertfordshire skin clinic today
Disclaimer: This blog is not to be used for diagnostic purposes. We are all unique which means that our results, recovery and suitability for any type of treatment will vary. Always seek the advice of a professional should you have any health or cosmetic concerns or to discuss treatments specifically for you.